Saturday, May 12, 2012

“Life is like riding a bicycle. In order to keep your balance, you must keep moving.” -Albert Einstein

All of my normal daily activities such as school, or going to rugby practice, or eating dinner with my family have begun to have a little more significance. Knowing (for sure!) that I will be leaving for ten months, gives me a new perspective on the simple things. The things that have always been constant are turning into "my last time..." doing this or that. Tonight my dad grilled and we did our regular warm weather activity, eating dinner on our back patio. My sister and her friend Zoe were asking me questions about where their classes will be next year. I answered "Oh, It doesn't matter! I'll just show you around on the first day of sch.." I got about that far when we all realized that no, I wouldn't be able to show them to their classes. Next year I will be in Spain. I feel like this quote really explains it, of course I want to be with my sister on her first day of school, but of course I want to move to Spain for ten months. I need to remember that life goes on, and change is what balances it out. I know that most fifteen year olds don't move to another country in the middle of their high school experience, but I will. I chose to apply, I chose to spend hour after hour working on my application, I chose to learn everything I could about this program, because this is all I've ever looked forward to. I will be leaving behind a lot, but in return I will be gaining a year's worth of new experiences and memories with a new family and friends. But for now, I'll just keep moving.


  1. Those "my last time..." moments are so..... strange and at the same time exciting! Great post, Megg.

  2. I literally have the same feelings!!

  3. What you are doing is so amazing and all those things will be there for you when you get back, only YOU will be different because what you will experience and the independence you will gain. I went to Peru when 15 as part of a student exchange and it was only for one month but my boyfriend still gets tired when I talk about it because I talk about it ALL the time. It's so awesome that you're going to Spain. Enjoy every second because very very few people get the opportunity to go to a foreign country to experience life as a student and a local, not just because few people have the resources, but also because few people have the hutzpah! So GO YOU!

    Love, Mary
