How the first day of school begins, no matter what country
you live in. |
this selfie is for you, Mom. I promised you first day
of school pictures! |
Today was my first day of school, even though it started at 1:15 and was only an hour long. Today was "el dia de presentación", the day when I meet my homeroom teacher and I get my schedule. My homeroom teacher es mi profesora de inglés, my english teacher. That made everything a lot easier! I am also really lucky that my friend Emils, from Latvia, goes to my school as well. We are the first ever exchange students at IES Gil y Carrasco (my school). We walked in to the auditorium, and we were sitting there for a while, when a teacher came up to us and said "¿sois estudiantes extranjeros?", "are you all the exchange students?". Even though it was 1:15, this was the wrong grade, and our grade was next. We had to walk out of the auditorium in front of more than a hundred kids while they all stared at us.

Also, did I mention that today I brought a huge backpack with all of my books, and everyone else literally brought one piece of paper in their pocket to write down their schedule's. I looked ridiculous. Emils and I are also in different classes, so I am not sure how often we will see each other, but we have decided to meet before school, at least for the first few days. I like hanging out with him, because his first language isn't english, which makes Spanish the easiest language to speak when we are together. When we finally got to go into the auditorium, and with our grade (primero de bachillerato), someone introduced himself as the director of our school. After that, I didn't understand anything.
This will definitely be my
favorite class...English. |
Then we split up based on our different classes. the English teachers were very helpful, and I ended up in the right class. She called attendance, and I knew she was about to call my name because after she rolled off about twenty Lucia's and Pablo's... she paused. Then said Mar-gar-it Reech. I didn't know how to correct her and tell her it was Megg, so I thought I can deal with Mar-gar-it for a year. After that, my teacher explained that there was going to be exchange students for the first time, and that one of them was in our class (duh... like my red hair didn't give it away already???). She then asked me in front of the whole class if I had any friends at the school... I replied "uno", one. Everyone started to laugh.... embarrrasssing.
All of my books?!! |
all of the languages that I am taking!
(Spanish, French, and English) |
This year I am going to take about 10 classes, I will explain all of them later after my actual first day of school but let's just say I am taking French 2, even though I know less than three words in French. I am also taking technical drawing, another thing I cannot do... After talking to my teacher after class, and going over everything she said in english, I met some new people. Apparently, they had been waiting for me outside of the class! How nice? One was a chico, Diego, who had lived in Harrisonburg, VA for about a month this summer! The other three were chicas, but I don't remember their names. They walked me outside, and they told me how cool it was that I was there, and that they would help me with anything I needed. I thought today was going to be the worst day of my life, turns out I am actually really excited to go back tomorrow. Definitely really nervous, but everyone has been really understanding and nice so far!

After both of our first days! Mirian goes to a different school
because she is in the grade below me. |
Oh sweet Megg.....or shall I say Mag..ar...it....you made me laugh!!! And it sounds like your great sense of humor will help you (like your Mom said) with all of the these firsts!!!! I can just see you getting up and walking out of the auditorium with your huge turtle Keep smiling and remember all the pieces will fit together!!