A lot has changed since September 30th.
I'm not sure how to begin this post, or how to write it at all for that matter. I don't want to take the topic lightly, but at the same time it isn't my place to give every detail.
On October 8th, I left Ponferrada for Valladolid. I had decided to switch families, and while it was for the best, I don't wish a situation like this on anyone. It was very difficult, because this family made it possible for me to live in Spain in the first place. When it came down to it though, we had very different lifestyles, and that made adapting to the cultural aspects that much harder. There were other reasons as well, but again it is not my place to share.
Now I am being vague, but I don't want anyone to think that switching families is easy, fast, or emotionless. In reality, October 8th was the hardest day of my life. And you wouldn't know how hard until you are sitting across the dinner table from a family that has given you all they could, and you have just told them that you will be taking the next bus out to a city four hours away for the remainder of your year. It's hard. It's not easy. And It's not a fast process. I write my blog for a few reasons, but mainly because I want to inspire upcoming exchange students. I hope you understand that switching families was not my first choice, nor the easy way out. Switching was my last option, but truly for the best.
I am currently writing this blog post from Valladolid, where I am living with an AFS volunteer Monica, and her Daughter Michelle (who is also a volunteer). Michelle just got back from her year abroad in Finland this summer, and Monica is a study abroad returnee as well. Michelle and Monica have been so great to invite me into their home, where I will be living temporarily until a new host family is found. I am truly grateful for everything AFS has done for me, and I am 100% sure that I made the right decision when choosing organizations. They have helped me every step of the way, and I couldn't thank them enough!
I am sorry for the brief update, but the past weeks have been very hard. There is not much more to say about my situation, other than the fact that I am now extremely happy with where I will be living for the next nine months. I have complete faith that AFS will find me a great family here in Valladolid.
My new home.
Like my best friend Paige said, "This is it Megg, the moment you've been waiting for your entire life, the beginning of your year." Now I could think back on the past, on the millions of mistakes I've made or I can treat today like it is the first day of the rest of my life. I can treat every day like it's the first day of the rest of my life, and I will because that's the only way to move forward.
Hopefully I will update soon with my great adventures in my new home!